We, the People, are the Stimulus!

To stimulate the economy, we must securely stimulate its people. True stimulus can only be driven by people. 

We are in a tremendous position to envision and create what we want as a society. Sustainable business practices should be applied across our economies, and within our businesses too.  

As a business owner support the government as an active agent, not only trying to stimulate the economy from a top-down but also from a bottomup fiscal approach. What do I mean?  

Topdown fiscal economic stimulus is characterised by tax cuts and encouraged investment spend in designated industries. Bottomup fiscal stimulus involves direct investment at a micro level and ensures job security and a reasonable income to live, for most people 

When people feel secure, they will spend money more confidently. The economy will become broader and stronger, as well as more sustainable in the long term.  

So, what am I doing as a business owner? I’m using my greatest creative asset – my people. 

We are reinventing the business and changing its direction. We’re doing this through a series of our own discovery sessions. It is amazing what we have found out; how that has re-energised us and created a clarity of focus. 

We aim to attain the countless new opportunities before us in this highly evolving environment. The end goal is longterm societal benefit and sustainable values at the right margin.  

So let’s stimulate businesses, our economy and income by stimulating people 

I know I will be doing that for my people and my clients! 

About Us

Stylequity is a Growth and M&A Specialist. Our team identifies opportunities and turns them into profitable initiatives for select business owners. We build strong and sustainable businesses; prepare and execute business acquisitions; investments; divestments and sales. Using an incredible network of experts, we partner with owners of private businesses to fulfil their vision and surpass their objectives.

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